Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week **FOUR** Challenges!!

Week FOUR Baby…Feeeeel It!!!!

A few things to remember:
0. If you have a question as to points, please ask your team/teamleader first.
0. Participation is KEY. If you feel you need to bow out, please send your team leader an email or a message on the board. DON”T just disappear..it brings the stats down for your whole team!
0. Post your stats ASAP on Wednesdays!! Even if you have nothing at all to post, post anyway. Who knows, winning might be based on the fact that you did only 3o minutes of exercise that week!
0. Do not do any exercise that causes you pain. Be sure to go over each move as outlined on www.sparkpeople.com carefully, and determine your level of exercise before starting.
0. Be consistent with what “weigh in” weight you are using.
0. Be sure to stretch properly before and after each work out!! Some great ones are here: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercise_demos.asp?exercise_type=stretch
0. HAVE FUN!!!!

Week Three Challenges:
This week we are focusing on LOWER moves..butt and legs will be feeling the burn, melting away that January cold. REMEMBER: Always activate Core muscles during a movement. This will help ease back pain.
1 pt per every minute of exercise, +100 pts for more than 180 mins. An extra bonus of 50pts to anyone who goes over 200!! (Maximum bonus points: 150)
Keep your Core Muscle Engaged folks!!
This is based on INTENTIONAL exercise minutes!! I don’t mean it has to be in a gym, or on a treadmill. But just strolling the mall won’t do. If you plan on going to the mall, and plan on really WALKING it, not strolling around, then yes, it can be counted. It’s called Cardio for a reason..It gets your heart pumping!

Intervals: During whatever cardio you are doing, if you PUSH yourself to the limit for ONE FULL MINUTE give yourself 10pts each time!!! This means, if in a 30 minute session of intentional cardio you PUSH for one minute 3 times you would have 30 pts!
10pts for every Strength Training Session you complete (except boxers see below). + 100 pts if you complete 3 Training Sessions in one week! (One session consists of completing EACH move the amount of reps specified)

Dolphin Pose : 3 reps of 5-10 http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=111
Superman: – 3 sets of 10-12, use a can or something heavy if you don’t have dumbbells.

Upper Body:
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 3 reps of 10-12

Lower Body:
Lying Abduction: 3 sets of 10-12
Lying Adduction: 3 sets of 10-12
Calf Raises with Chair: 3 sets of 10-12
Skater Squats: 3 sets of 10-12

Done? Give yourself 10pts!
Dolphin Pose : 3 reps of 10-12 http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=111
Clamshell Crunch with Ball : 3 reps of 10-12
Upper Body:
Dumbbell Chest Flys on Ball : 3 reps of 10-12
Lower Body:
Walking Lunges 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Lying Double Leg Raises 3 sets of 10-12
Genie Sit Exercise: 3 sets of 10-12
Wide Leg Wall Sit with Calf Raises 3 sets of 10-12

Done? Give yourself 10pts!!

10 pt per every day followed, 10 additional pts for every day 8 Healthy Guidelines are followed – and YES that includes 2litres of water MINIMUM per day!!
So: Monday I tracked all my food = 10pts
Monday I also met all 8 HG = 10pts
Total for Monday= 20pts.
Tuesday I tracked all my food = 10pts
Tuesday I did not meet all 8 HG = Opts
Total for Tuesday: 10pts

Lifestyle Challenges

Note: New point system for Lifestyle Challenges:
50pts for each one you complete. If it says "do this" it means once per week. If it says "do this every day" it means everyday for 7 days will earn you your 50pts for that category.
Do all 6 things as described and earn 100 pt bonus.
The most you can earn in the lifestyle section is 400pts.
You would post this on the STATS thread as:
Lifestyle 300
Bonus 100
There is no longer a Captain Sergeant Bonus.

* Find one new fruit or vegetable and try it out!! Can be as small as a pearl onion or as big as a new melon! Even if you didn’t like it 5 years ago, there are new ways to cook things, new spices and good oils to spruce it up with! Go on, be brave!! 50pts
* Make a plan for a reward once you lose your next 5 lbs. Write it down on the back of your certificate! 50pts
* Make a list of the 3 things you are most proud of from each of the 3 weeks of this challenge. Share it in a post sometime this week with your team. 50pts
* Take 5 minutes every day, no phone, no tv, no kids, no partner, no radio, no computer. Lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to. Look at your certificate and reflect on the good things you did for yourself so far in this challenge. Give yourself credit for it. 50pts
* Immediately after a meal, pack away or throw away the leftovers. DO NOT eat it, bite lick or taste it. PUT IT AWAY. 50pts
* Be PURPOSEFULLY kind to someone each day. One person, one act of kindess 7 days a week. +50 points! (no partial points if you miss a day you don't get the 50pts for this category!)

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