Monday, March 10, 2008


No? Ok..but this is it, the LAST and FINAL week and we are going to KICK it like never before!!!!! This is the time to find that inner strength and get through the last of the winter uglies!!!!

A few things to remember:

• If you have a question as to points, please ask your team/teamleader first.
• Participation is KEY. If you feel you need to bow out, please send your team leader an email or a message on the board. DON”T just brings the stats down for your whole team!
• Post your stats ASAP on Wednesdays!! Even if you have nothing at all to post, post anyway. Who knows, winning might be based on the fact that you did only 3o minutes of exercise that week!
• Do not do any exercise that causes you pain. Be sure to go over each move as outlined on carefully, and determine your level of exercise before starting.
• Be consistent with what “weigh in” weight you are using.
• Be sure to stretch properly before and after each work out!! Some great ones are here:
• HAVE FUN!!!!


1 pt for every minute of cardio, as usual.

CARDIO BONUS : Did you do over 200 minutes of cardio this week? YAY YOU! Give yourself 50pts! (no matter what over 200 you can only give yourself the 50pts)
NOTE: SAME POINTS, but now you gotta do 200 minutes!!!!

Intervals – 10pts for every 2 full minutes of super high powered cardio you do!!
NOTE: SAME POINTS but now you gotta do 2 full minutes!

This is where its gonna get interesting. I read two different articles this week on the perils of having a personal trainer. One of them being you rely on them solely to keep you inline and then, when they aren’t available any more you fall back on old habits, or worse, flounder.

This last and final week, when its all UP TO YOU …you get to choose.


I want THREE, yes THREE moves for EACH body section. Write out your program and share it with your team.

For instance, mine will be:
Bicep Curls with Band 3 sets of 10-15
Wall Push Ups 3 sets of 10-15
Dumbbell Shoulder press on ball 3 sets of 10-15

Hip Flexor and Extention 3 set of 10-15
Lying Straight Leg Raises 3 sets of 10-15
Slow Swimming on Ball 3 sets of 10-15

Lying Adduction 3 sets of 10-15
Lying Abduction 3 sets of 10-15
Forward Lunges 3 sets of 10-15

Why those? Cuz I hate them. Well 2 out of each set anyway. I hate them cuz they are hard, and they make me ache. And therefore, I will make myself do them..Get it? Good! Your turn!!!

Did all 9 moves? YAY give yourself 100pts!
Did it three days this week ? Yay!! Strength Bonus of 100pts!

10pts for every day you tracked every bite lick and taste (maximum 70pts)

8 Healthy Guidelines
10pts for every day you met all 8 Healthy Guidelines (maximum 70pts)


Take Your Measurements! Remember, we took them at the beginning of this challenge and wrote them on the back of your certificate? Take them again and compare☺ 50pts

Back to Basics – yep, AGAIN..measure it all. Every Bite Lick and Taste. If you can’t measure it then eyeball it. Do this all 7 days and not only will you loooove the scale on weigh in day, but you’ll rediscover exactly what a 3oz chicken breast looks like lol!! To top it all off, give yourself 50pts!!! (this is a total, for measuring and journaling it all for 7 full days, no partial points. Yes, you still count your tracking..consider it doubling up for tracking..cuz guess what? IT IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS

Whip It Up!! Dust off that old recipe book you got at the beginning of the challenge where we all contributed w.w. recipies! Pick a different one to try this week!! If you don’t have it, ask your leader or a team member to send it to you☺ AND share with your team what you tried, how you liked it AND what the serving size was!! 50pts

Share an NSV (non-scale victory) on the BLC NSV thread at least three times this week. Anyone can start it and ALL teams post their NSV together on ONE's time to celebrate all the good choices we make and cheer each other on!!!!!! 50pts


Each day someone start a thread called “BLC FEEL THE LOVE”. In it, you will share the benefits you got from being in this challenge. Even if you didn’t lose a single pound, or lost them and got them back again (yep, that would be me!) find something positive to share about the challenge and what it meant to you. You don’t need to post everyday, just as long as the thread is started by someone daily and you post your reasons once. 50pts

Thank you to everyone for your patience and participation in these challenges!! Ten weeks is a long time and you all did great☺

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would totally do this again!!! Thanks so much to the organizers and the leaders. I've had a great time with this challenge and hope another one will happen soon :)

- suze (thespacesbetween)