Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 1 - Here Goes Nothing!

Good morning Boot Camp - here we are the jumping off point Day One! This is always the hardest day, but it gets easier from here on in, I promise!

You may be looking at all of those challenges feeling a little overwhelmed! I am going to break it down for you day by day, and hopefully it will seem more manageable - as my dad always says, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time". Let's get crack-a-lackin'!

Cardio: Do 30-60 minutes, whatever you are comfortable with normally, and add intervals. Basically, this means you are going to kick it up to a high intensity for 1 min. I usually do 5-8 of these every time I workout. It just BLASTS the calories.
Examples: biking hard for 1 min, jogging instead of walking, skipping rope for 1 min, etc.

Strength: Try out our moves. Click on the titles below to see a demonstration of each action.
Beginner:Back Extension, Hip Flexor and Standing Side Bends
3 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise

Advanced: Airplane Pose, Hip Flexor and Extension, and Lying Straight Leg Raises
3 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise

Print out your certificate and reflect for 5 mins of solitude on your goal(s).
Give up one thing that is not part of a healthy lifestyle, additional 10 pts for each day you go without.

Tracking: Track your food today - every bite! Review the 8 Healthy Guidelines as needed (see Fitness Challenge board for more information on Guidelines) or WW materials.

Congratulations on starting this journey,

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