Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 3 - TGIF!

Here's what's on for today:
-Cardio! Do some with intervals. Some machines even let you set it this way. Use it! I use the hills settings.

-Weight Training! Follow the plan you are doing and feel good once you've worked up a sweat.-Keep tracking. Drink a glass of water now! Do it now, do it now, do it now. It may help if you plan out your weekend today too.

-Have you been holding it on the ab challenge? I have been doing them in the car on my way home/to work. It's a great place to make it happen & so is the computer!

-What have you given up for Lent? I've given up Starbucks & sugar cookies (I was sneaking 1-2 every night when I had a bath).

I am reading Tosca's Eating Clean book, if you haven't read it, run out and get it. I found my version at Costco for about $12. GREAT GREAT GREAT Book.

1 comment:

mels said...

Hi Holly,
Thanks! for the link to that book. I had a look at the "Eat Clean" recipes. I think I will try the oatmeal pancakes. I'm on CORE at WW.

Go AQUArius!
